The new, further improved version of our decoupled tonearm board for the Thorens TD 124 is now available.
It is of laminate material with phoneloc resin, which is precision machined with a CNC milling machine. A professional car painter is doing black finish.
Three rubbers which are embedded in the board, decouple the tonearm from the chassis of the turntable and thus eliminate any vibration of the drive again significantly.
With the three specially custom made screws the tonearm is mount onto the turntable chassis. New threaded bushings are inserted in order to easily and efficiently assemble the SME base on the board. Four matching screws are included.
The advantages over a normal wooden board is the efficient decoupling from the chassis. The material used is solid harder than wood. Thus, mechanical vibrations, which belong to the sound are not absorbed.
Soundwise the decoupled laminated board sounds louder than the wooden board and has a better bass reproduction. It lost no information.
The armboard can be ordered in two versions.
Item # 2605 for all SME 3012 models
Price CHF 390.--
Item # 2604 for SME 9" and 10" tonearms,
Price CHF 350.--
We are not able to offer these boards for other truntable models. Neither with drill outs for other tonearms.
Please order by e-mail: