Living for music since 1923

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By Car:

Input for GPS: Aspstrasse 13, 8472 Seuzach

Exit Winterthur-Ohringen
then take the direction to Schaffhausen (blue).
after about 700m turn left, direction "Industrie Asp".

Our facilities are located at Aspstrasse 13 in the office building of the Scania company (Garage Vetterli).

 Gebäude 1a

You will find the entrance on the right side of the building (glass door). Customer parking in front of the building (please use parking spaces next to the entrance of the building).

Gebäude 2

We are on the 2nd floor. For heavy goods handling, please ring the bell at the entrance door and we will be happy to pick you up with the goods lift.

 Gebäude 5


By Public Transport:

Bus Nr. 676 departing from Winterthur Mainstation in the direction to Henggart/Hettlingen. You leave at Bus stop "Friedenstrasse":

From the bus stop "Friedenstrasse" approx. 200m walk on Schaffhauserstrasse out of town past the Rest. Chaplin and the Hobi carpenter's workshop, then left into Aspstrasse (approx. 5 min walk).